Q&A with DJ and producer Johnny Castro

DJ and producer Johnny Castro has his own solo project, Yeah Boy. Johnny has already seen wild success with Parachute Youth, having reached platinum & gold record sales, a #1 position on the iTunes charts, hit #1 in 9 countries and tallied over 25 million hits on YouTube. 

His first EP “Can’t Get Enough” was released via Warner Music (UK) and Big Beat (US). Living in London and working with some of the finest producers and songwriters Yeah Boy is recently back in Australia and back on home soil, ready to devote himself to bringing the people good music. Although just at the start of Yeah Boy’s musical journey, there is already another EP due for release & an album slotted in.

Next Habit ‘Identical’ featuring Yeah Boy is out now on Perfect Havoc https://fanlink.to/cuaB  

Tell us about your earliest musical memory?

My earliest musical memory would have to be finding a church organ in the garage of my grandparent’s house. Plugging it in and then sneaking off to play it, I fell in love with the keys right then and there 🙂

At what point in your life did you have that moment where you said to yourself “This is it. This is the type of music I want to create?”

Finishing our (Parachute Youth) first recording and hearing it getting played on the radio a lot then becoming a number 1 overseas. That’s when I felt I could really make this a career if I kept going on making dance music, it came more naturally to me than any other genre.

Please list some of the most influential albums on your creative outlook and output:

Trouble by Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs  

 A Weekend In The City by Bloc Party 

 Living on the Edge of Time by Yuksek

What key pieces of gear/software are you using to define your sound?

MPK49 midi controller, Apollo Twin Audio Interface, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Zebra 2, Arcade, KorgM1 etc.

What inspires you outside of music? What do you turn to when the creative well runs a little low?

I love films and documentaries, training and working out helps me clear my head also. But mainly just enjoying a couple of days off with friends or family gets me back in focus 🙂

What is your opinion on the ever spreading sub-genre vine? Are there too many? Do you think there’ s perhaps a sub-genre that doesn’t get the attention it deserves?

I think there can never be enough genres. I’m all for experimentation and being weird.

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, what do you prefer?

It’s funny when you’re in the studio for quite a while you’re longing for performing again and getting that feeling from a live performance. But after while playing show after show on tour etc you really miss the creativity in the studio and want to rush back and pour all that inspiration you’ve built from performing/watching other artists back into writing back in the studio. Half and half I’d say 🙂

As a music artist, it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference between the art and the business. Is there anything about the music scene that you would personally change?

Everybody loves everybody haha

Any new or upcoming artists on your radar? Who shouldn’t the world sleep on?

A lot of great Australian artists in the dance music scene are kicking off hard, Torren Foot, Airwolf, Stace Cadet, Benson etc. Much love to the fellow Aussies killing it 🙂

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

Yepp, lots of new features and singles coming 🙂

Famous last words?

Yeahhhh Boyyyyy

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