MUNE, Miguel Migs, Andy Caldwell

Q&A with Ultra Music signed chill house music producer MÜNE

Noted as the first Indian person to be signed with Ultra Music, music producer MÜNE’s latest single ‘Back To Old Me’ is bursting with its dynamic chill house sound. The producer has cited the late and iconic Avicii as a huge inspiration for his craft and new career path. Before signing with the Ultra label, MÜNE had his fair share of challenges financially. He hopes that other musicians trying to make it in the industry amidst power struggles will find their own way to infiltrate the scene. His latest single is tranquil and hypnotic with its loose textures that are light on the ears.

We chatted with the emerging chill house music producer MÜNE’ below.

Stream/download: ‘Back To Old Me’

What’s your “secret sauce?” What makes your sound stand out?

My signature sounds and unique style.

Define a successful day in your eyes.

The day I got signed with my dream label Ultra Music.

What made you decide to pursue a musical career?

Avicii is the reason why I started making my own music.

What would you be doing as a career if you never pursued music?

Astronaut or a nature photographer.

Pros and cons of the industry from your perspective?

Pros- It doesn’t matter what your skin colour, race or gender is. You can make it big in this industry, everyone is the same. 

Con- They don’t give many chances to the new artist. Big artists should be more open and support the artist who deserves it.

Please list some of the most influential albums on your creative outlook and output:

Avicii’s Stories, The 1975’s I like It When You Sleep,… David Guetta’s Nothing but the beat, Lady Gaga’s The fame Monster.

What key pieces of gear/software do you use to define your sound?

I work on FL studio, and I don’t have anything fancy just normal headphones and a laptop that I bought recently after signing with Ultra.

Vinyl or CD?


How has music production changed your outlook on life?

Well, I feel like I am in my own world.  I feel happy when I wake to work on something new.

Tell us about your upcoming releases or projects?

I am working on a couple of new tracks and a few singles. I also have an EP on the way.

‘Back To Old Me’ features on the Spotify playlist

Follow MÜNE:

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Soundcloud / Spotify

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